DSCF0268.JPG A day without rain, can it be so? It is almost April and we have so many crops to plant. The fields are soaking wet with all the rain. This morning we awoke to bright sunshine, it seemed a little odd.

Now we have to wait as the ground dries out enough to plant. The first operation will be mowing, we should then be able to do little cultivations on the crops we planted in late February. Finally preparing beds for planting our late spring and summer crops. All of us on the farm are prepared for 7 days a week work during the whole of April.  We will need this to catch up on the last two weeks which we should have been planting.

Jose and I went to a safety meeting a week ago. One of the groups speaking were highway patrol. They told us that over the first weekend of April there would be a no tolerance on talking on a cell phone while driving. just a heads up!

Have a great week... Nigel
