We plant pasture and the chickens consume and poop on it all year. We then have to take that pasture and turn it into productive vegetable beds. The better the pasture, the more roots and plant material that has to be cultivated, incorporated into the soil and decomposed. This takes time and lots of micro fauna in the soil to do the job. In the past we have allowed about a month for this before we expect to plant the following crop. Now we have to think in terms of six weeks. As the soil matures over the years it can 'consume' the previous crop residues quickly. But this takes years of careful organic tending of the soil.
So what happens when we plant too soon before the residues are decomposed? We only have to take a look at the wheat we planted last November to see spotty germination. Organic farmers cannot use seeds treated with chemicals to protect them from the multitude of biological organisms that want to consume them in the soil. So we have to give our seeds the very best start that they can possibly have.
Our wheat crop has all the fertility it needs, thanks to the pasture. Next year where we plant the pasture will have to be prepared a couple of weeks sooner. Our soil is a living organism, if we treat it right, care for it then growing the vegetables is much easier.