Satsuma Mandarins:  These delicious little cuties are from our friend Bill at Everything Under the Sun in Winters, Ca and are sustainably grown, but are not certified organic.  Boy, do they have delicious citrus!  Wash and peel.

Spinach:  From our transitional fields meaning it is not (yet) certified organic.  Please contact us with questions about transitional produce & organic certification; we’re happy to explain how we keep the items separate. We finally entered our third year of transition to organic on our leased piece of land — we’ll be able to have the parcel certified sometime this month! May be muddy (click on the spinach link to see why). To clean, first rinse quickly to remove mud chunks. Then fill up a bowl with cold water. Remove leaves from stems & all yellow leaves. Put in water, swish, & let soak for 5-10 min. Lift leaves out of water, rinse & blot/spin dry. Use the discarded water for your houseplants! Store in plastic bag in fridge.

Stir-Fry Mix:  Bright and beautiful!  From our transitional fields (see spinach above) and is not (yet) certified organic.  Chop and sautee in olive oil or butter for a lovely side-dish.  Also tasty raw.  Store in plastic bag in fridge and wash well before using.

Parsley:  The beautifully clean, crisp flavor adds depth to many a dish!  Store in a plastic bag in the fridge and use rather quickly.

Romanesco:  Too pretty to eat?  Beside it’s mesmerizing fractals, it tastes amazing too!  It’s hard to say if it is more like broccoli or cauliflower, but it’s actually an early precursor to both.  Store in fridge in plastic bag and wash before using.  Enjoy!

Carrots: From Terra Firma Farms near Winters, CA. CCOF certified organic. Remove greens from roots before putting in fridge. Store in plastic bag. Wash well before eating.

Leeks:  After cutting off any brown or limp tops, refrigerate leeks, & wash before using. Great when sautéed to perfection or in soups.

Pink Lady Apples OR EXTRA Mandarins:  The apples are from our friend John Smit from Smit Orchards in Linden, CA and are certified organic.  Keep in the fridge or on the counter (depending on how you like to eat them) and wash before consuming.  The delicious little mandarins are from our friend Bill at Everything Under the Sun in Winters, Ca and are sustainably grown, but are not certified organic.  Boy, do they have delicious citrus!  Wash and peel.

Red Cabbage:  Cabbage is wonderful because it cooks quickly, is versatile, and tastes so good.  Red cabbage is particularly lovely sliced thin in green salads and really brightens up a coleslaw.  Store in fridge and wash well before use.

Butternut Squash:  Sweet and easy to prepare, this winter squash is extremely versatile and easy to peel. Store in a cool (not cold), dark, dry place. Perfect when baked. Makes great soup and bread & goes well in sautées!
