Eatwell Farm

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Today's Box (November 10th)

What’s in your box today (consume in order of appearance on this list!):

Dill:  This wispy and fern-like herb has a soft and sweet taste that will lend flavor to salad dressings, fish, and even cabbage!  Always add at the end of cooking as heat will destroy the delicate flavor.  Store in fridge in plastic and wash only before using.

Spinach:  From our transitional fields meaning it is not (yet) certified organic.  Please contact us with questions about transitional produce & organic certification; we’re happy to explain how we keep the items separate. We finally entered our third year of transition to organic on our leased piece of land — we’ll be able to have the parcel certified Nov. 2010! May be muddy (click on the spinach link to see why).  To clean, first rinse quickly to remove mud chunks. Then fill up a bowl with cold water. Remove leaves from stems & all yellow leaves. Put in water, swish, & let soak for 5-10 min. Lift leaves out of water, rinse & blot/spin dry. Use the discarded water for your houseplants! Store in plastic bag in fridge.

Romaine: We hope you enjoy this crisp, fresh romaine!  It is from our transitional fields (see spinach above) and is not (yet) certified organic.  Store in plastic bag in fridge and wash before consuming.

Bok Choy: Grown in our transitional fields (see spinach above) and the first of the season! This crunchy & tasty bok choy is amazing sauteed and add something special to soups and stir-frys.  Store in plastic bag in fridge. Don’t forget to use the ribs!

Red Bell Pepper OR Sweet Gypsy Peppers:  Oh how we love peppers! They are great sauteed, roasted, or raw. To roast peppers, place over flame on stove (or in broiler).  Rotate so entire pepper is blackened.  Remove from the heat and place in a bowl with lid/plate covering it.  When cool enough to touch, rinse off blackened skin.  Store in crisper in fridge and wash before use.

Romanesco:  Too pretty to eat?  Beside it's mesmerizing fractals, it tastes amazing too!  It's hard to say if it is more like broccoli or cauliflower, but it's actually an early precursor to both.  Store in fridge in plastic bag and wash before using.  Enjoy!

Green Tomatoes:  From our transitional fields (see spinach above) and are not certified organic.  These tomatoes are unripe, but are perfect for frying up or for making a green tomato relish.  See this week's recipes for ideas!  Store on counter and wash before using.

Carrots:  Incredibly sweet and tender!  These are from our friends and neighbors at Terra Firma Farm and are certified organic. Wash well before eating (as always) and enjoy!

Apples:  These Pink Lady apples are organic and from our friend and neighbor Greg at Coco Ranch near Davis.  Keep in the fridge or on the counter (depending on how you like to eat them) and wash before consuming.

Pomegranates:  These beautiful fruits are from our friend Nacho at Twin Girls Farm near Fresno and are QAI (Quality Assurance International) certified organic.  We've been friends with this family farm for a long time and see them every week at the Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market and yes, they do have twin teenage girls.  They do sell some of their goods to Purity, so that will explain if it has a market sticker on it.   Store in fridge for longest storage or on counter for 2-3 weeks.  They get juicier with time.  SOOO good!  Use a knife or your hands to pry open the tough rind and pop out the arils (seeds).  These are a great addition to salads or wonderful just to snack on alone.  Check out this week's recipes on our website at

Potatoes:  You may get either the larger Yukon Gold or the smaller German Butterball potatoes in your box this week.  Both are deliciously creamy varieties.  Store these in the fridge and eat the skin for most nutrients! Wash before eating.  So good!