Today's Box (October 21st)
Cherry Tomatoes: These oh-so-delicious little treats are a welcome addition to any green salad, pasta salad, or as a quick snack. These are from our transitional fields and are not certified organic. Please contact us with questions about transitional produce & organic certification; we’re happy to explain how we keep the items separate. We finally entered our third year of transition to organic on our leased piece of land — we’ll be able to have the parcel certified Nov. 2010! Never store in fridge to maintain great flavor and texture. Keep them on the counter and eat soon. Shady Lady Tomatoes: These are a wonderful slicing variety with lots of flavor. These are from our transitional fields (see above) and are not certified organic. Store on counter (never in fridge!) and eat soon. These will last longer than the heirloom tomatoes.
Roma Tomatoes: These are from our transitional fields (see above) and are not certified organic. These are plum tomatoes that are perfect for sauces and salsas. Store on counter (never in fridge!) and eat soon. These will last longer than the heirloom tomatoes.
Basil: Yum! It’s gorgeous, succulent, and oh-so-aromatic! Please keep in mind that we are growing three different varieties this year (a large, curly variety called Genovese; a narrow-leaved variety called Lemon Basil; and a regular, Italian Large-Leaf basil). Adds depth to many dishes. Use soon. Store in plastic bag in fridge. Keep dry and remove blackened leaves.
Cilantro: The fragrant herbs pairs incredibly well with piquant foods and can enhance the flavors of many a dish. Wrap in a damp paper towel or store upright in an inch of water, then refrigerate. Do not wash prior to refrigeration, but make sure to wash before use.
Arugula: From our transitional fields and is not certified organic (see tomatoes above). We are throwing this in the box as a little extra and you might notice some small holes. When they were seedlings, some small beetles (that are now long gone) thought they might try a taste. This popular, tender Italian green packs a slight bite with nutty undertones. Divine! Store dry in plastic bag in fridge. Wash well before eating, & remove all yellowing leaves & stems before cooking. Spin or blot dry.
Romaine: We hope you enjoy this crisp, fresh romaine! It is from our transitional fields (see tomatoes above) and is not certified organic. Store in plastic bag in fridge and wash before consuming.
Spinach: From our transitional fields (see tomatoes above) meaning it is not certified organic. May be muddy. To clean, first rinse quickly to remove mud chunks. Then fill up a bowl with cold water. Remove leaves from stems & all yellow leaves. Put in water, swish, & let soak for 5-10 min. Lift leaves out of water, rinse & blot/spin dry. Use the discarded water for your houseplants! Store in plastic bag in fridge.
Summer Squash Summer squash can add a special something to any sauté, soup, or bread. Store in plastic bag in fridge and wash before consuming.
Green Beans: These tender wonders are from our friends and neighbors at Terra Firma Farm in Winters. They will last longer if kept dry in a plastic bag in the fridge. Eat quickly — these won’t last for more than 4-6 days in the fridge. How to use: Snap off tips before eating and wash well.
Apples: These are organic and of the Fuji variety from our friend and neighbor Greg at Coco Ranch near Davis. Keep in the fridge or on the counter (depending on how you like to eat them) and wash before consuming.
Baby Pumpkin: These gorgeous little pumpkins are the perfect size for your box and make a great pie or soup– not meant for carving! Store in a cool, dark place. Should last for 4-5 weeks if stored properly.