Farming the way we do and selling to the people who eat our food is different. It is a community and we know many of the people who support us. The farm events bring hundreds of you to the farm each year to pick strawberries, can tomatoes etc. So when we get the call that a member has lost their job and cannot continue we feel it personally. This has happened too many times over the last 18 months. Many of you are also tightening your belts and getting a box every other week instead of every week. There is always some people who move, change jobs and new members join all the time, but the losses from the economy do limit us here on the farm. We have examined every expense we have and we believe we run an lean and efficient farm. There is always room for improvement which we continue to strive for. We do need to be delivering more boxes every week to aid our bank account so this September we are going on a membership drive and we are looking for your help. If you have any friends, co workers please let them know about us. Maybe you could bring them to one of our events. Once a member has seen what we do here on the farm we rarely lose their financial support. As an added bonus we will be giving away a jar of my homemade Tomato sauce when you refer a friend. This is what I make for our family and friends. It is a very simple sauce, no salt no oil just tomatoes that have been reduced about 50%. It makes a delicious pasta sauce which you can spice up any way you choose. Many sites do have spaces and a few still have waiting lists and we are working to open more sites in those areas. . If you have any question please call Liz (866 627 2465) in the office or you can call my cellphone 530 848 3335. Many Thanks Nigel and the farm crew.