P8230003.JPG Last week we cut the chicken pasture from 20 acres to 10.  Roberto started to prepare the pasture for this years fall garden. The pasture and the chickens have done their work adding fertility to the soil, now we need to sow some seeds and grow some crops using this goodness.

The pasture was irrigated then cultivated by our Sundance Disk. He then rolled it and cultivated again. This will repeat with another irrigation and then the bed shaper will make a perfect bed into which we will sow seeds on Friday.

With cooling weather this weekend the timing is perfect to help the seeds germinate and get a good start. the slight chance of rain on Sunday will be good for the seeds.

As you can see we have a few rogue chickens who do not like to be confined, they enjoyed a brief moment of freedom and were then returned to the chicken pasture.
