100 F and Tomatoes
I have to admit that on yesterday morning Jose and I were very doubtful that we would be able to put heirloom tomatoes in Wednesdays box. The vines were loaded with fruit but the weather was too cool. After speaking with a couple of other local farmers it seems we were all in the same boat. Then came 100 F on Monday afternoon and a warm night. A warm night is defined as one where you need only a sheet covering you while you sleep. At 6.30 this morning crates of tomatoes were coming out of the field looking great. The past 24 hours warmth was enough to ripen them.
We need lots of tomatoes for your box this week, for our tasting at Thirsty Bear Tonight and for Millennium Restaurant Tomato Dinner on Wednesday night ( sold out).
The weather forecast show considerable cooling by the weekend and a chance of rain by Sunday!