Eatwell Farm

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Arugula and Potato Soup

1½ Tbsp. oil1 green garlic, trimmed, cleaned & chopped 1 med. onion, sliced (1 c) 1 tsp. fennel seeds, ground 6-8 new potatoes, peeled & coarsely cubed one sweet potato, shredded 3 c. broth (chicken or veggie) 1½ c. water arugula from this week’s Eatwell box pepper & salt, to taste 12 Tbsp. yogurt 4 arugula leaves, finely slivered (garnish) 2 Tbsp. Ricard or Pernod, optional

Heat oil in lg. pot. Add garlic & onion; cook over med-low heat, stirring often, until softened, about 10 min. Sprinkle with fennel & stir 30 secs. Add potatoes, broth, & water. Simmer 25 min, until soft. Add arugula & cook about 10 min longer, or until stems are soft. Add salt, pepper & liquor, to taste. Puree to rough or smooth texture, as you like. Adjust seasoning. Serve hot or chilled, topped with yogurt & garnished with arugula slivers. Serves 6

From Uncommon Fruits and Vegetables by Elizabeth Schneider