Eatwell Farm

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Creamy Sweet Potato Soup

2 Tbsp (¼ stick) butter1 cup chopped onion 2 small celery stalks, chopped 1 leek or green garlic, sliced 1 garlic clove or green garlic, chopped 1½ lbs. sweet potatoes, peeled, cut into 1” pieces (about 5 cups) 4 cups chicken or veggie stock/broth 1 cinnamon stick ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg 1½ cups half and half 2 Tbsp maple syrup chopped leafy celery tops, optional

Melt butter in a lg., heavy-bottomed pot over med-high heat. Add chopped onion & sauté for about 5 mins. Add chopped celery stalks & leek/green garlic. Sauté about 5 mins. Add garlic & sauté 2 minutes. Add sweet potatoes, stock, cinnamon stick, & nutmeg; bring to boil. Reduce heat & simmer uncovered until sweet potatoes are tender, about 20 mins. Remove cinnamon stick & discard. Working in batches, purée soup in blender until smooth. Return to pot. Add half &half and maple syrup; stir over med-low to heat through. Season soup with salt & pepper, to taste. Ladle into bowls. Sprinkle with celery leaves. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead: cool soup slightly. Cover & refrigerate soup and celery leaves separately. Bring soup to simmer before continuing.)

Serves 6 to 8.

From Simply Recipes. submitted by members Laura and Jeff Frasca