Strawberry Variety Selection
This is a very important task and one that has to be done at the right time or we may miss out on the varieties that we want. I ordered the strawberry plants that we will pick at next years strawberry days last November. We have to plan ahead. This years varieties were chosen based on our experience over the last five years. 1. Albion… A large berry variety that is tolerant to heat here on the farm. I believe it has the best strawberry flavor, not to be confused with sweetness. 2. Camarosa… A mainstay for many growers, it likes cooler temperatures but is good for early production at the end of April to the middle of May. Good flavor. 3. Sweet Charlie… This was our trial variety this year. The fruit is smaller, early and sweet but lacking in strawberry flavor.
The cool temperatures have meant that our crop of Albion which makes up 75% of our planted beds is late. The Camarosa has an average crop. The variety that is producing like crazy around here is Chandler, one that I discarded several years ago as it kept dying in the heat of the middle of May. The cool weather is perfect for this variety. Next year we will have some Chandler, not because I want to grow it but because my order was misplaced and all the Albion was sold out when I realized the problem. I do not have to go to Reno to gamble, just choosing varieties gives me the ‘thrill’ of the tables… Nigel