Eatwell Farm

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We Opened a Can of Worms

Four weeks ago, Molly and I decided to try an online-only version of the newsletter instead of continuing the hard paper copies. We said we would review all your comments and then come to a final decision about how to continue.
I did not expect the level of response we received, nor how passionately people feel on both sides of the issue. The majority of  you who responded applaud the change, while a significant minority were unhappy.  I do not like to make decisions just based on what the majority thinks, since consensus is important to me.
We grow wonderful fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and eggs for you, but that is not all we’re about. An important component of what we do is the connection with you, the community around the farm, and the education about the all facets of farm. What has distinguished us from other farms over the past fourteen years has been our weekly newsletter. I have remarked to many people that writing the newsletter is the most important work I do each and every week.
I sense that with the continuous rush of technology that invades our lives, we at the farm represent something that is stable, wholesome and real in what some see as an ever-increasing  virtual world.
I also have to face the reality, however, that with ever-increasing costs of production, I have to cut costs or increase the cost of the box. I am very aware that in many of you are making very real sacrifices so that you can pay for your Eatwell box in this difficult economic climate.
I am proposing to bring the paper newsletter back for the next four weeks. Your comments are appreciated.  Many thanks!  —Nigel