Eatwell Farm

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Fettuccine, Fava Beans, Saffron, and Crème Fraiche

½ lb. Fava beans1 Tbsp. virgin olive oil 1 green garlic, chopped Saffron Salt & pepper fresh herbs, chopped ¾ cup crème fraiche Fettuccine for 2 1/4 green onion, minced

Shell & skin Fava beans. Cook gently in olive oil with garlic for 2 to 3 mins. Season with salt & pepper. Add fresh herbs, crème fraiche, & a small pinch of saffron. Cook another few minutes, then cook & fettuccine & add to the beans. Season noodles with salt & pepper & toss with the favas. Serve garnished with a sprinkling of green onion.

recipe adapted from Chez Panisse Pasta, Pizza & Calzone