Eatwell Farm

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More rain on the way! Time to plant more seeds.


Roberto and I walked the fields this morning at 7am to check which beds we can sow ahead of this evenings forecast rain. These beds were prepared two weeks ago before last Mondays rain. Weeds are now germinating in these beds and we would like to cultivate them before we plant. Unfortunately the soil is still too wet. If we did cultivate and it rains hard over the next few days it is highly likely that the germination would not be good. The seed we use is not covered with fungicide to protect it, we use only untreated seed. 

Roberto and I decided to plant straight into these beds and then come back later with our back pack flame weeder. This will take some time to dispose of the germinating weeds but will save much hand weeding later. I was hoping to be able to purchase a tractor mounted flame weeder soon but want to wait and save valuable cash in this sluggish economy.

We sowed 19 beds, almost two acres... Lettuce, spinach, greens, Asian greens, radish etc..

Below Roberto helping me prepare the seeds for sowing.
