Eatwell Farm

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This recipe makes something between sauerkraut & coleslaw. It's marinated for several days, so it's almost as tender real sauerkraut, but you don't need to wait around for weeks while waiting for it to ferment. 1 head green cabbage apple cider vinegar rice wine vinegar sea salt water caraway seeds (optional)

Finely chop cabbage & put in a large glass container. Mix together equal parts apple cider vinegar & rice wine vinegar. Once mixed, dilute with water to a 2:1 ratio. Pour vinegar mixture over cabbage. You should have enough vinegar to almost completely cover the chopped cabbage. Add liberal amounts of salt (or to taste) and caraway seeds (optional). Seal the container, shake it up, and refrigerate for at least 4 days.

submitted by CSA member Constance Smith