Eatwell Farm

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Apple Almond Bars

1¾ cups flour¾ cups powdered sugar ¾ cup butter ¼ tsp. salt 1½ tsp cinnamon 3 eggs 1/3 cup brown sugar 3 apples, peeled & thinly sliced ½ c. sliced almonds

Preheat oven 350. In a med. bowl, combine flour, powdered sugar, butter & salt; mix well. Press onto the bottom of a greased 7”x11” baking dish & top with apple slices. In a sm. bowl, beat together eggs, brown sugar, almond extract & cinnamon until well blended; pour over apples. Sprinkle almonds evenly over top. Bake 35-40 mins. or until center is set. Cool completely before cutting, Makes 18 bars.

Recipe found in Eatwell recipe files