Eatwell Farm

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Almost Finished With Re-Bar.


I stole time away from the farm on Monday to work with Fernando on the Eatwell farmhouse. The rainy weather in January slowed work and Fernando had lots of cars to fix for his friends. We are now working on the final third re-bar layer which only goes up to eight feet from the ground. If the weather holds out we should be finished this week and call in our third party engineer inspector, Maury.

Once we are finished we will have installed 9.5 tons of re-bar using about 25,000 wire ties. This has not been difficult or tedious. We have enjoyed it but will be happy to move on with the construction.

For more pictures of the construction of the Earth roofed Farmhouse here at Eatwell Farm go out facebook album. You do not need to have a facebook account to see these pictures.