Eatwell Farm

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Winter Egg Yolk Color

The chickens spent most of yesterday under or inside their mobile houses trying to keep out of the constant rain. If it clears up they are out pecking away at the pasture. It goes without saying that the great flavor of pasture eggs comes from their varied diet, exercise, fresh air and sunshine that keep them in peak health. We expect egg quality to be less compared to a bright warm, sunny spring day with fresh new pasture.

Over the past month the eggs I have cracked open for my breakfast have varied in their yolk color and the firmness. I have assumed that this was due to the fact that we have some older chickens who are at the end of their productive laying life. Comparing these to the new flock of 'Red Star' chickens there are bound to be some variation. Yesterday Agustin and I conducted a little experiment to see who was laying the best eggs.


The eggs on the left were laid by the Red Star ladies and those on the right by the old ones. We were quite surprised to see very little difference. All the eggs seemed to have good color and were firm. This put paid to my assumption that the older girls were laying the pale yolks. We then pulled out a carton of eggs that we had from ten days ago. Maybe the problem was related to the chickens last 'pasture' which was the old strawberry beds from last spring.

The eggs on the right are from the strawberry beds. There does seem to be more variation in the yolk color. I was hoping that there would be a clear problem that we could see and plan to avoid next year. Unfortunately this journey of ours to more humane and sustainable egg production is not always a clear path.

I appreciate all your comments, we could not be farming this way without your continued support... Nigel