Eatwell Farm

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Totally Tomatoes

Totally tomatoes

When we started growing tomatoes back in 1993 there were only a few places to buy seed. In those early years Totally Tomatoes was one of those. Since then I have tried just about every heirloom variety in their catalog. We have selected the ones we like and saved seed every since.

My catalog arrived a few weeks ago and a few varieties caught my attention. I placed an order last Tuesday. Some of those that got me excited are...

Bloody Butcher... "Sensational...Strong tomato flavor in medium round 4 oz fruits."

Chocolate Cherry... "Extremely flavorful"

Zebra Cherry...  "Exotic fruit that have red and green stripes with a dark red flesh that is surprisingly flavorful."

Peron... "Contains up to 2.5 times the calcium of other tomatoes"

The first picking will be in June, weather permitting.