The few times I have gone to Lake Tahoe has been to enjoy the lake with my family. As I told a friend a few weeks ago I do not need to gamble in the Casinos as I do it all the time on the farm. A case in point… Last Wednesday the day started cool and the out look looked cool enough for a few days that we might be able to germinate a few fall plantings of salads and greens. On Monday as I write this the weather will top 100 F, not what was forecast. The money for the seed, irrigation and Roberto’s time is probably wasted. It was a gamble. Many fall crops will not germinate in temperatures over 95F. Lettuce needs less than 90 F for 36 hours after the seed is sown and irrigated for the root (radicle) to emerge. After that it can get hotter but the first few hours are critical. We will wait until we get another cool spell.  Enjoy the summer heat… Nigel
