Saving Drip Line for Next Year
To save water we irrigate many of our summer crops using drip tape. Over the past ten years it has been easier to get more uses out of this tape. The type we use is Queengil which is made in Hungary by an Israeli company. It has a strong thin cord build in which allows us to save it in with our hydraulically drip tape winder. Typically we get two uses from any tape but with care and a little luck sometimes a third. The main culprit for destroying tape is the Gopher. The nibble at the tape to get water. Arturo has the job of going along and checking all the lines repairing where needed. When there are just too many repairs in a line then we have to retire it.
At the present time there is no recyling for this tape. If more where used locally I am told then it would be feasible. So I have to take it to the dump.
We do save a considerable amount of water by using the tape and increase the quality of our crop.