Eatwell Farm

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Back to Work... Harvesting Sweet potatoes

Our pack house is up and running and the produce is coming in from others farms to help fill out our boxes. So now we have to get back to work harvesting the fall crops and planting more for fall and winter. Last week while I was running on adrenalin, trying to get our farm back together. This week I am exhausted. I am still not sure what the true cost will be but we have to get back to work as I feel that I have just lost a valuable week at a critical time of the year. The farm crew are working well, everyone here is working hard to get back to normal and dig ourselves out of this mess.

Sweet Potato Harvest
This is not an easy crop to harvest, as sweet potatoes are long and break easily. We plant them on ridges to help with cultivation and to make the harvesting easier. A regular potato harvest is too rough and will scuff and break the potatoes, so we dig by hand. I am looking to buy a special harvester from a company in Wyoming but am waiting for a video of it working.
The main problem for us is our soil. All of the sweet potatoes you see in stores is grown in very sandy soil. This makes the potatoes very smooth and blemish-free, and it makes it much easier for the machines to dig them out of the ground without damaging them. Our soil is a ‘silty clay loam’, which makes the potatoes taste great but is too ’heavy’ for the harvesters. So we dig them by hand.