Eatwell Farm

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Picking the First Cherry Tomatoes

This morning Jose ( the farm Foreman) picked a drinking cup full of Sungold Cherry Tomatoes. This equals our record for the earliest harvest. It will be several week before we have enough to put in out CSA boxes but we will have some for the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market this weekend.
The plants are growing well but are a little short on Calcium according to Geoff our fields man. Geoff walks the fields of many organic farms and advises on nutrient needs and pest and disease problems. It is good to have a fresh pair of eyes looking over the farm each week. he also is able to compare how our plants are doing relative to other farms. We will be applying a special fermented form of calcium through the drip water this week and also applying it with a back pack sprayer to the leaves. a foliar application seems to stimulate the plant to take up the nutrient from the roots.P10100161