Pumpkin Chevre Ravioli

Recipe from the Farmhouse Kitchen

I always cheat and pre-roast my winter squash, pumpkins included.  

1 Pumpkin, washed well

1 small pack of Chèvre

Wonton Wrappers

Salt and Pepper, to taste

Honey to taste

Garlic Chives, finely chopped


Preheat the oven to 400 F. Put the washed whole pumpkin on a baking sheet and in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, just long enough for the pumpkin to get a little soft making it easier to cut, peel and remove seeds.  Let cool so you can handle it, then cut in half, remove the seeds and peel.  Cut into small cubes, pop back onto the baking tray and roast until completely soft.  Put the roasted pumpkin into a mixing bowl.  

Using a potato masher mash until fairly smooth, add salt, pepper, chèvre, some chopped garlic chives and a little honey.  Mix well, taste for seasoning and adjust.  

With dry hands take out one won ton wrapper, put onto a dry work area, large plate or cutting board are great, put on a dollop of mixture right onto the center. Don’t put on too much. Dip your finger in a little water and carefully wipe around the inside of the edge. Top with another won ton wrapper and seal with a fork all the way around the edges. You can also put your filling off to one side and fold over, still using a little water to seal the edges.

When you are done and ready to cook, bring a big pot of salted water to simmer and gently drop in your ravioli. Don’t over crowd. Cook on a gentle simmer which will help keep them from breaking a part.  Simmer long enough until they are tender. Pumpkin Ravioli are great with just some butter and Parmesan!
