Miso Noodle Soup

Recipe from earlymorningfarm.com

I love miso soup. It is such a great go to during the colder months, and the perfect way to use up many vegetables that come in the CSA Share for the next several months.  

In this recipe you can us the Stir Fry Mix, Mizuna, Bok Choy, Chard, even cubes of Butternut Squash, which would add a nice sweetness and would make a good substitute for carrots.

4 to 6 cups thinly sliced vegetables (see veggies above)

4 cloves Garlic, minced

2 TB grated Ginger

2 to 4 quarts Water

Rice Stir Fry Noodles

Miso Paste, 1 TB per serving

Condiments: You can add/include if you like: Tamari or Soy Sauce, Rice Vinegar, Sriracha Hot Sauce, Ume Plum Vinegar, Sesame Seed or Gomasio.

Fill a large stockpot 3/4 of the way with water.  Bring to a boil.  While the water is heating, prep the vegetables.  Once the water is boiling add garlic and ginger, then vegetables in order of cooking times.  So add whatever takes the longest to cook first, give it a couple of minutes, then add the next items, etc.  When the vegetables are done, add the rice noodles and cook according to package directions.  Remove soup from stove.  Place about 1 TB miso past in each bowl.  Ladle some cooking water over the paste to dissolve.  Once paste is dissolved ladle soup into each bowl.  Bring a variety of condiments to the table for serving.  From this basic recipe you could add bits of leftover meat if you have some in the fridge, like steak or chicken, or fish.  Small cubes of tofu would also be delicious.
