Lilly’s Pepper/Onion/Tomato Sauté

Lilly has been sautéing the Lunchbox Peppers with onion and tomatoes. We keep a container of this in the fridge, and we add it to eggs or enjoy it as a side dish.  Last night I included it as one of the topping on our pizza. It can be eaten cold or hot, it’s versatile, and a delicious leftover. If you don’t eat all of your peppers raw (stuffed with tuna salad is my personal favorite!), then I highly recommend using these share ingredients this way. Simply use the amounts provided in the CSA Share:

Lunchbox Peppers

Leeks or Onions


Heat a sauté pan with some oil of your choice, add leeks or onions, sauté until they soften a bit.  Slice or chop tomatoes and peppers how you would like them, then add to the onion/leeks in the pan.  You can add a little grated garlic and or basil or other herb.  Sauté on medium low until everything is soft and almost melty.
