Winter Is Coming


Now that I have been sucked into Game of Thrones, that statement has more meanings than just the one. On our farm walk this morning, I couldn’t help but say it at least 10 times. Poor Cameron! Every where you look it is obvious that Winter is Coming. Small cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Romanesco plants looking quite perky.  The chard recently jumped in size in a serious way. All promising good food for the months to come. We are so lucky to live in a place in the world where our climate allows us to grow year round; our soil is rich and fertile, giving and giving.  But with all the excitement of the meals to come during the darker, colder months, I am also saddened to see the tractor out mowing tomatoes.  At this time of year I start to feel a bit desperate about getting enough sauce made. I try to make some sauce every week with the tomatoes that come back from the market, but seeing the mower going this morning I know the end of is in sight!
