Sauteed Bok Choy with Creamy Miso Dressing

By Eatwell’s Farmhouse Kitchen

This is really a very simple dish. You can serve the Bok Choy hot or cold, with the Miso dressing drizzled over the top. If you look online you will find many recipes for Tahini Miso dressing, but I like to add Greek Yogurt to mine. I also prefer the flavor of the stronger Red Miso for this dressing.

1 TB Red Miso, if you like it stronger, add more

1/4 cup Tahini

1/4 cup Yogurt

2 tsp Honey

1 TB Olive Oil

Juice and zest from 1/2 Lemon

Salt and Pepper, to taste

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl with a fork to smooth out the miso.

Sautee the Bok Choy in a hot pan with a splash of Olive Oil and a tiny bit of Toasted Sesame Oil. When it is nearly done, splash on a bit of Soy Sauce or Tamari.
