The Beauty of Early Market Mornings

Every week I look through photos to decide what I will write about.  Nigel taught me that. I was doing just that when I scrolled over this photo, an early Saturday morning at the market.  Many of us often take a moment in the middle of setup and gaze out over the bay to enjoy the sunrise. It is a pretty incredible sight, in an incredibly amazing place.  


I am trying to ease my way back into doing the market.  It is really hard, seriously hard. Nigel and I met there, he touched thousands of lives there. So many people want to give me hugs, which is wonderful, but it is tough.   Eatwell has attended that market since day one, never missing a single Saturday. That is pretty amazing when you consider all the things that can go wrong, trucks breaking down is just one example, illness, babies, weddings. He was very proud of his market record.

If you have never been, it is a pretty beautiful spot, right on the bay, looking at the Bay Bridge. Sadly the print version of this photo does not do it justice, but I had to share it with you anyway.
