So Many Lavender Products


Since we just had the big Lavender Harvest, we have so many great products to share with you all. Our favorite two include the hydrosol and essential oil.  

Hydrosols are typically a good pH match for our skin and so really nice for rehydrating. The lavender, in general, is good for burns, so the hydrosol spray is also good to spray on a sun burn.  

The lavender essential oil has many applications; it is good for just about everything.  I use it liberally on Nigel’s head, and his wrists, particularly when he is obviously agitated.  It definitely seems to help calm him down.  Lavender EO is also the perfectfirst aid product because you can use it on burns or put a drop or two on minor scrapes and cuts. 

We also have wonderful Massage Balm, Sugar Scrub, Salve, lavender bunches and Sachets. The balm and the sugar scrub are great for dry skin (we can thank the summer heat for that). I love how smooth my skin feels afterwards.  It does the best job of getting rid of all the grime (you know, sweat and farm dirt).  When I use the sugar scrub I only rinse it off, gently brushing off away the sugar, and then I pat dry to allow the oil to absorb into my skin. And afterwards I am refreshed and glowing.  Think I am way over due for a treatment now!


And I almost forgot one of the most popular ways we use lavender, and that is in the Lavender Salt! I guarantee if you use our Lavender Salt on a steak or hamburger, everyone will love it and no one will know what your secret ingredient is!  


You can order all of these products as add on items to come with your CSA share.  Saves you the trouble of shopping in the store and you get to support the farm.
