Another Monday

I find myself wandering from one task to the next, then back to Nigel’s bedside.  We brought him home on Friday night and hospice has taken over his care now.  It feels strange to be sitting here next to him writing this newsletter, but I know that it’s what he would want me to do.  

We did send an email out last Friday, but I have heard from some people they did not receive it.  To keep you all up to date, we learned last week that the Myeloma is back in Nigel’s brain.  This happened the same time last year.  A year ago, he received 13 days of heavy radiation, which put him at his lifetime limit.  Sadly chemo does not cross the blood brain barrier and so its not an option.  There are no more treatments, this is the end of the road for us medically.  

Sunday morning Nigel felt quite strong. He got up and had one of his favorite breakfasts: eggs on tortillas.  Many of you have stayed on the farm and are quite familiar with this breakfast. It’s one many of us have shared.  

After a bad night of severe pain, today he is resting peacefully.  I pray we can keep him this way. In true Nigel fashion, we are moving forward with the Lavender Harvest this weekend and the Summer Solstice overnight the weekend of the 24th.  

One of the last clear things Nigel said to me was to, no matter what, never miss the market or a CSA delivery.  In this case, never is a good goal, which I intend to achieve.  I want to thank those of you who sent me such lovely emails.  They made me cry, made me smile,  but most importantly, they made me feel the love you all have for Nigel, our family and our farm.
