We’re Making Nocino: The Italian Green Walnut Liqueur

As you walk down our road towards our strawberry patch, there’s a large green walnut tree loaded with nuts. In Italy and France, groups will come together and pick these walnuts between late June and early July to make a delicious green walnut liqueur. They call it “Nocino.” So we thought we’d give it a try.  

From June 24th-25th we’re holding our annual Summer Solstice Party. We typically spend the weekend garlic braiding, picking (more) strawberries and eating delicious food. This year we’re thinking of adding liqueur-making to the mix. 

We’ll harvest the green walnut tree, crack open the nuts shell, andsteep them in vodka to make nocino. Nocino is said to have an espresso-like aroma that’s easy to drink by itself, but even better when poured over vanilla ice cream. Doesn’t it sound mouth-watering? 

To join in on the action, be sure to sign up for our Summer Solstice Party. The link to buy tickets will be in this Friday’s email newsletter. We hope to see everyone there.

