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Drinkwell Lacto-Fermented Soft Drink Production Ready to Increase.


Lorraine and her son Cameron have been working hard for the past four months locating and setting up their new soda production facility in a rented space in Dixon. They have works on a tight budget with much of what they needed bought on Craigslist. Cameron has been wading through all the State documentation needed, a truly valiant task. Last Thursday they had their State Health Department Inspection and they passed first time! They are now able to make,bottle and sell their sodas to stores, restaurants and bars.

Cameron has meetings and tastings set up with BiRite and Rainbow Grocery this week. watch this space for more details. If you have never tasted their wares there will be tastings at the Strawberry Days on the farm. You can always find Lorraine next to Blue Bottle Coffee at the south end of the Ferry Building in San Francisco every Saturday.
