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Daikon Salad with Japanese Plum Dressing

Recipe from Just One

This one is for all of our CSA members who love Japanese food, you know who you are!  Do not be daunted by Daikon, yes it is not a common veg for most of us, but it is really delicious and good for you.  It is actually in the cruciferous family, originating in the Mediterranean.  High in vitamin C, phosphorous, digestive enzymes and loads of good fiber.  I found a nice write up on this webpage, if you are interested here is the link: This recipe uses Mizuna, but you could switch that out with the arugula and or radicchio in this weeks share.

3” Daikon

3 bunches Mizuna 

3 Shiso Leaves, optional

2 TB Katusobushi (dried bonito flakes) for garnish, optional

2 TB Ikura (salmon roe) for garnish, optional

Japanese Plum Dressing

1 Umeboshi  - Japanese Pickle Plum, you can find this in most health orientated stores

3 TB Ponzu

1 TB Sesame Oil

1 TB Rice Vinegar

1/2 TB Soy Sauce

1/8tsp Sugar

Shred daikon to thread pieces (you can use a mandoline for this).  Soak shredded daikon in cold water for 5-10 minutes to get crunchy texture and get rid of bitter flavor.  Cut mizuna/arugula into 3” pieces.  Chiffonade shiso leaves (roll up tightly, then slice thinly). Combine all salad ingredients in a bowl and toss together.  Remove the seed from umeboshi and chop into small pieces.  Combine dressing ingredients in a small bowl and whisk together.  Serve chilled. Sprinkle katusobushi and inure if you like.  Pour on dressing when ready to serve.
