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Stir Fried Beef with Bok Choy and Turnips

Recipe from Food 52 entered into the One Pan Dinners by Vicky

To get a bit more veg content here, I would add in the Mizuna or some Tokyo Bekana when stir frying the bok choy leaves.

3 TB High Temp Oil, divided

1 1/4 lb Flat Iron Steak, thinly sliced

2 TB Hoisin Sauce

Salt and freshly ground Black Pepper

2 Green Garlic stems, chopped, wrong season for this, use 1 clove of garlic instead

2 TB grate Ginger

4 Turnips, coarsely chopped

1 lb Bok Choy, stems and greens coarsely chopped, separated

3 TB Soy Sauce

1 TB Sriracha

Sesame Seeds

In a large wok, heat 2 Tb of oil over high heat.  Season beef with salt and pepper and add to wok.  Cook for 2-4 minutes, until meet has browned.  Transfer meat to a large bowl and stir in hoisin sauce.  Cover and set aside.  Pour out extra liquid from wok.  Lower het to medium high, then add remaining oil to wok.  Add in garlic, scallions and ginger and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds.  Add in turnips, bok choy stems.  Cook until stems soften, about 5 minutes, then add in bok choy greens.  Pour in soy sauce and Sriracha, then cook about 2-4 more minutes, until greens are wilted.  Adjust salt to taste.  Serve beef over vegetable mixture.  Top with sesame seeds.
