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Gnocchi with Fresh Tomato Sauce

Recipe from JaimieOliver’s Comfort Food

Sabrina and I made this a few weeks ago with fresh San Marzano Sauce, CRAZY delicious! I shrunk this recipe to 1 lb of potatoes to fit what is in the share, this serves 2.


1 lb Potatoes, washed well

1 Egg Yolk

2 oz All Purpose Flour, plus extra for dustin

A pinch of Salt

Freshly grated Nutmeg

Bring a pot of water to a simmer and gently cook the potatoes until they are cooked well through.  Drain and allow to cool enough so that you can peel them.  Mash well. Bring a large pot of well salted water to a boil.  While you are waiting for the water to boil make your gnocchi.  Dust a work surface with a little flour.  Pile the mash and make a well in the center. Add the yolk and flour to the well with a pinch of salt and grating of nutmeg.  Using your hands, gently fold and mix it all together.  Don’t overwork or you will need more flour, you want these to taste of potato.  Take a quarter of your dough, roll it out to a 1” thick log, then chop up into 1 1/2” lengths, dusting very lightly with flour as you go.  You can make them pretty by pressing a fork over the top making grooves that the sauce can stick to.  Cook, in batches for 2 minutes in boiling water.  I would taste your first one and see if it is cooked enough, I think I would have preferred mine cooked a bit longer.  

FOR THE SAUCE: Wash your San Marzanos, then cut in half and roast them until “roasty” looking, a little bit of charring on skins.  Allow to cool, then remove the skins, and puree with an immersion blender or food processor.  Put in a pot on the stove add salt and whatever seasons you want.  When the gnocchi is all done, put it in the pot with the sauce and allow it to cook on low for maybe 5 minutes.  This allows all the flavors to marry.  Plate up and top with Parmesan and a sprinkling of fresh basil or maybe even a tiny bit of finely chopped rosemary. 
