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Member Testimonials

Member Testimonial: Sandy

I’ve been a CSA member for more years than I can recall — certainly going back to the late 20th century. I’ve stayed with Eatwell because I feel like part of an extended family, tied to the land on which my family’s dinner makings are grown.

Eatwell Farm has had—and continues to have—a profoundly healthful impact on Bay Area households and families like mine. Thanks to Eatwell, I know what a fresh picked fava bean looks and tastes like (having picked them off a bush on the farm), and how delicious Tokyo turnips are—especially right out of the CSA box. Because of the many wonderful farm events for CSA members and guests, my daughter knows how beautiful and well cared for the land is where her food grows, has seen the chickens that lay the exquisitely delicious eggs she eats (and has gotten to hold them as chicks), and has experienced the joy of eating her absolute fill of strawberries fresh picked from the field.

Their eggs are out of this world (!!) and their cosmetic products are lovely. I always have to have a jar of Eatwell’s lavender-calendula ointment on hand for cuts, rashes and the like. I share it as gifts for all my friends. It works wonders!

I can’t speak highly enough about Eatwell Farm and the folks who run it. Please consider signing up for a 4-box introductory subscription (with eggs!), and come to the farm for a weekend event. It could be life changing.
— Sandy Bonshahi
Sandy's daughter and cousins show off their berry stained fingers at an Eatwell Farm event.

Sandy's daughter and cousins show off their berry stained fingers at an Eatwell Farm event.

Sandy and her daughter smile in front of the garlic braiding station at Eatwell Farm's Summer Solstice Sleepover.

Sandy and her daughter smile in front of the garlic braiding station at Eatwell Farm's Summer Solstice Sleepover.

Sandy's garlic braid, hand braided at Eatwell's Summer Solstice Sleepover.

Sandy's garlic braid, hand braided at Eatwell's Summer Solstice Sleepover.
