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Lorraine's Observations

Help! What Do I Do With….

One of the biggest issues that faces those of you who are smart enough to get your veg straight from a farm CSA, is “what do I do with these things I have never had before???” It is one of the biggest reasons people are afraid to join a CSA. Funny how we are programmed, isn’t it? To be afraid of vegetables. In any case, we have help for you, and I know many of you aren’t even aware of it.  On the website you will find information about how to store each item in your share, and what you should eat first, and what is ok to hold and store. To make finding that information easy, we include a link in the weekly “Don’t Forget To Pickup Your Box” email.  The website also has loads of recipes. The Eatwell’ers Slack group is another great resource. I find when I ask for help on Slack, I almost always get an answer within a couple of hours. This week was a great example! I asked for a recipe using Bok Choy that was different from the typical stir fry and boom! One of our members posted the perfect recipe for this week’s share. I have included it in the recipes. Big Thank You to Celeste who shared it.
