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Lorraine's Observations

Birds of Prey

When I first came to the farm, I remember Nigel was quite excited because we recently had a couple of hawks nesting in our trees.  Over the years, we have watched the variety of birds living or visiting the farm has grown tremendously.  On our walk, Friday morning, flying overhead was this beauty.  Unfortunately, I am not much of a birder, so I am not sure which bird this one is, he or she was quite large, with a beautiful white underside, and broad wingspan.  I wonder, do we have any birders in our community?  If you belong to a bird watching group, perhaps you might consider a trip to the farm?  As we walk the farm, we are seeing a lot more nests way up in the tops of our poplars.  Given the problems we have with ground squirrels and rabbits, I consider the Hawks a positive addition to the farm.

