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Lorraine's Observations



A few years back Nigel invested in the woven plastic for our main herb bed.  Most herbs are perennials, so they stay put for a few years.His thinking was the cover were work as a sufficient weed barrier. It hasn’t really, many weed seeds blow in on the wind and will sprout right on top of the plastic.  They are determined to live.  

We do have a few of options, one is to rip all the plants out, and pull up the plastic and start over somewhere else.  We could, in that case, treat herbs more like annuals and re-plant every year or so. The other option is to hire someone to come in and do a lot of weeding.  The third option is to put the geese out there and let them eat it all down. Unlike the area where they are currently weeding, this plot is a bit of an experiment because of the woven plastic.  My guess is they will not destroy the plastic. I am hoping they will eat everything down, cleaning it up enough, and open it up for the herbs to come back strong. After all, they have a well-developed root system, so I am hoping that come late spring the herbs will come back  strong.  Perhaps at that time it will be easier to go through and clean out what is left of the weeds. Time will tell.
