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Lorraine's Observations



Ah, the delicious Eatwell carrot, fighting for its life in a bed overrun by weeds.  Nigel always said we have great difficulty growing carrot here, and from what we saw in the field, that is indeed the case.  However, Cameron and I were talking to some plant experts while wine tasting in Winters a couple of weeks ago, and they asked how deep were we planting the seeds?  Hmmm, good question. As it turns out our seeder is set to a depth of 1” and carrots are planted at 1/4”, basically you don’t even have to cover them. Could that be the problem?  Seems odd that Nigel would have missed that bit of information. I always assume he must have had a reason for every thing he did.  I suppose the next step is to ask Roberto, the man who actually sows the seeds. Maybe we will have more Eatwell carrots in our future!
