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Heritage Birds

Around the Farm

All the chickens on the farm absolutely love the wheat we soak in Cowgirl Creamery organic cheese whey. In just 24 hours the wheat sprouts make it more digestible and delicious. News from the chicken conference may not be appreciated by our feathered friends on the farm. We are probably feeding them too much salt that is in the whey. I will have the salt content of the whey analyzed this week. We can then do the calculations to determine how much whey they can have each day. We may have to dilute it with water. I expect this will ruffle a few feathers on the farm.

Last week Agustin was busy preparing the new mobile house where the chicks will live from hatching until five weeks old during the winter. We were in a hurry to do this as we need to store the butternuts and sweet potatoes in the dome where the chicks currently reside. He was not able to get all this completed before his wife gave birth to their second child, a son, last Friday morning! All that farm stuff can wait while they enjoy their new child.

The rain on Monday morning was significant. Not bad just for a 5% chance of showers, it was torrential at times. Every fall with the first significant rain the vegetables seem to double in size within a week. Yes, rainfall is so much better than irrigation water.

Just a reminder to please send back all your empty boxes, we are running short. Take care when opening the flaps, neatly fold them at your site out of the rain if possible.
