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Farm Events

Eatwell Night at Onsen Bath and Restaurant


A few weeks back Paige and I enjoyed the baths and an amazing dinner at Onsen, the Japanese Bath House and Restaurant in the Tenderloin.  Chef George Meza regularly shops our stand at Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, and is dedicated to preparing dishes featuring local fare. I thought it would be great fun to have an Eatwell Night for our members, bath and dinner, and Onsen is definitely up for it.  So I am putting this it out to you, if enough of you are interested we can book out the restaurant and two sessions in the baths, May 17th. The dinner would be heavily Eatwell-centric and I guarantee it will be delicious. We have the option of one seating for 22 people, or two seatings, each with 10 people. PLEASE let us know if you have any interest in such an event ASAP, so that we can move forward with booking. Email Noelle at to let us know.
