Hanging out with my friends recently, I was reminded of one of the best turnip recipes around: turnip chips! And so simple, too . . . A bunch of roasting turnips (purple-top, golden, white, etc.) vegetable oil for roasting/frying good salt

Preheat oven to 375. Slice the turnips very thinly (if you have a mandoline in your kitchen, this is the perfect time to use it!). Pour a good amount of oil into a shallow baking dish (or baking sheet with sides) large enough for the turnips to coat the bottom in one layer. If you have more turnips than room, you can use multiple dishes and/or make the chips in batches. Toss turnips in oil to coat, sprinkle with salt, and toss again. Roast in oven until crispy. You may want/need to turn the turnips once or twice so they'll cook evenly.

So good!

recipe from Eatwell CSA Manager Molly
